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Master cleanse +1 marfa DIY, echo park butcher tattooed fanny pack gentrify authentic synth. Four dollar toast intelligentsia stumptown tumeric.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat.

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Master cleanse +1 marfa DIY, echo park butcher tattooed fanny pack gentrify authentic synth. Four dollar toast intelligentsia stumptown tumeric.

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here's the whole truth and nothing but...

hello there.

I'm Wendy.

I'm a transformational coach, anxiety expert, bestselling author, speaker, educator, podcaster, survivor, stepmom and wife.

My coaching is deeply personal because I lived it. I was an anxious over-achiever, people-pleasing perfectionist, an Ivy League graduate and high-stress, high-stakes attorney in Big Law who turned her panic into her superpower.



Get crystal clear on why you struggle to protect yourself, how to stop people-pleasing and take your power back! 

Print and pin it next to your computer as your go-to guide for connecting - whether you have 5 minutes or 60!

The Power of
- No -

The Power of No!

Download Your Connection

Download Your Connection     hecklist

→ Reduce your anxiety, fear and shame
→ Increase your confidence 
→ Improve your self-esteem + motivation
→ Enhance your relationships and resilience

Reduce your anxiety, fear and shame. Increase your confidence
Improve your self-esteem + motivation. Enhance your relationships and resilience.

Quiet Your Inner Critic

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